up: As stated above, "GemInI Souls: Volume I - Discovery" NOW RELEASED!
I've put up the link to my graphic design artist, Michelle
Simpson (aka; Shelly). She does all the preparations for my Cafe Press material
Speaking of my Cafe Press shop...
Bad news and good news. First the bad news: Color tee-shirts
for my illustrations did not turn out very well at all! They were iron-ons, not like the silk-screen style of my logos
and tag lines. I had to take those down. I just couldn't do that to the buyers. However, the white t-shirts seem
to do much better with the full color backgrounds. I'm getting some in the mail to see how well they turned out, so
stay tuned!
In the meantime check out the mugs, buttons, magnets, prints and
bumper stickers that are available.
wearing my "Crimson Dawn" logo tee right now with the tag line on the back: "Blood's not the only thing being sucked around
here!" and it turned out great! I also have it on a tote bag.
I've also put up two
new (or fairly new) excerpts from GemInI Souls. The first excerpt is now officially edited, and the second
one is from a 'past' sequence in the story. These are the official pages as they have been edited thru
DRP. Enjoy!
Now for the main course...
The first two books in my "Harp & Sword Chronicles"
should be released sometime in January. Once an official date has been given I'll let you know. I am extremely
excited about this series!! I've posted a sneak peak that you can find in the Menu Bar. Check it out! :)